Podcasts: 5 amazing episodes on remote design work

Konstantina Chorianopoulou
3 min readDec 22, 2020


A person walking wearing headphones and listening to podcasts
Illustration from Pablo Stanley’s Open Doodles

Podcasts had become my everyday commuting companion. They were safeguarding my sanity each morning and evening I got stuck in traffic. But in the post-Covid era, I was trying to figure out ways to fit them in my new reality. Well, morning is what I do best. So there they found their place. In the 20 minute metabolism-boost walk I take around the neighbourhood.

How about you? Are you an early bird or late night owl? A couch lover or a passionate walker? No matter what category you fall in, there’s always some time to fit a couple of podcasts in your daily routine. And by now you should be confident enough to say that you have created a remote daily schedule you are proud of. Morning exercise, maybe? Or yoga sun salutations? Evening meditation after the dozen daily work meetings? Whatever your routine is, you could alter it let’s say some days by squeezing in half an hour for podcasts. By doing this, you’ll be updating your design knowledge. Then, you’ll be learning about best practices on remote working from some well-known companies. You’ll be also getting inspired by fellow designers around the world. And lastly you’ll be experimenting on different solutions with your teammates or friends.

So here are five podcast episodes worth listening while designing remotely:

1. What is wrong with UX?

Remote design

In this episode, hosts Kate and Laura are going hilarious. They talk about how to pretend you’re still getting work done while you’re actually searching online for toilet paper during a pandemic. They will also give you some awesome tips on actually getting design work done while locked up at home. That is a lot like getting design done at work, but easier to panic unobtrusively. Drink pairing: whatever you have left in the bunker.

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2. Rework (by Basecamp)

Going remote: Design

Jonas, the lead designer at Basecamp, talks about remote design as learned experience from having it done over a decade. He shares how forced remote work under these pandemic circumstances could be enlightening for the future. He shares great stuff about general practices and approaches as well. Learn tips, tricks and techniques that will help you be successful at remote design work.

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3. Overtime (by Dribbble)

Let’s be alone together

Host Meg Lewis informs, entertains, and inspires us each week. In this episode she gives out advice for working from home amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. She also shares mental health tips to keep everyone sane. The episode also features a special guest, Erik Westa. He joined to talk about managing IRL events to keep the public safe and healthy.

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4. Creative Confidence (by IDEO)

Our new remote reality: Sacha Connor

In this episode, the Creative Confidence Podcast hosts Sacha Connor, founder and CEO of Virtual Work Insider. Sacha shares eleven pitfalls to look out for when working remotely. She also reveals many strategies for success. According to her, while change is always hard, she hopes that organizations will fully embrace remote work. And all of its benefits going forward.

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5. Design Better Podcast (by InVision)

Remote work for design teams: lessons in leadership, collaboration and culture

Eli Woolery and Aarron Walter team up to bring you some lessons on remote teamwork and collaboration. In the meantime, they go on delivering products -like a book for instance- in no time. The authors of “Remote Work for Design Teams” are guiding us through their best practices and processes about making the transitions from the office to a remote work environment as graceful as possible.

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So that was about it. If you got any other episodes or favorite podcasts you think would contribute to making remote design work better please feel free to add them to the comments.

Thank youuuu 🙏

